There are many reactions to the new encyclical letter 'Fratelli tutti' of the Holy Father Francis on fraternity and social friendship. We have made a small selection:
* ‘’Fratelli tutti’: Long summary of Pope Francis’s social encyclical’: Vatican News (4 October 2020)
* ‘Five things to look for in Pope Francis' new encyclical, ‘Fratelli Tutti’’: National Catholic Reporter (6 October 2020)
* ‘Fratelli Tutti – a better way is possible': The Tablet (8 October 2020)
* ‘Five theologians on the biggest takeaways from ‘Fratelli Tutti’’: America: The Jesuit Review (8 October 2020)
* ‘What’s new in the new encyclical ‘Fratelli Tutti’?’ - Research Seminar: University of Notre Dame (23 October 2020)