A partnership between the Franciscan Study Center at Tilburg University, NL and the Franciscan Institute at Saint Bonaventure University, NY
Francis of Assisi: His Life, Vision and Companions
The Editors    |   September 13, 2023
Church | Society | Spirituality

The book explores how Francis – along with his earliest brothers – embraced a life of poverty, in solidarity with the lowest ranks of society, preaching a message of justice and dignity for all. 

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Studies in Sentence Commentaries on the Eighth Centenary of Alexander of Hales’s Lectures
The Editors    |   September 12, 2023

This conference welcomes session and paper proposals highlighting the genre of the Sentence commentary as a key locus for the handing on (tradere) of theological tradition and debate.

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From Gospel to Life: Jesus in the New Testament
The Editors    |   September 6, 2023
Church | Spirituality

This free mini-course, held over three Saturdays, provided Secular Franciscans with a faithful and contemporary view of Jesus, as He is presented in the Letters of Paul and the Synoptic Gospels.

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The Arrival of the Franciscans in England
The Editors    |   September 5, 2023

The story of the Franciscans' arrival, and the growth of the Order up until c.1257/1258, is related by the chronicler Thomas of Eccleston In his De Adventu Fratrum Minorum in Angliam

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A Uniquely Franciscan Time
David Couturier   |   August 22, 2023
Society | Spirituality

These are educated works without the all-too-frequent scholarly jargon meant to be provocative, inspirational, and accessible reading. 

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