A partnership between the Franciscan Study Center at Tilburg University, NL and the Franciscan Institute at Saint Bonaventure University, NY
The Wise Fool
Krijn Pansters   |   October 8, 2021

The Lord told Francis he was to be a fool in this world as the path of God’s wisdom. He became a Wise Fool very much in the tradition of the Holy Fool or God’s Fool.

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Franciscan Global Vision
Krijn Pansters   |   October 7, 2021

The Franciscan Global Vision course focuses on Franciscan contributions to the development of Christian theologies and spiritualities of creation in the age of global climate change.

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The Economy of Francis
Krijn Pansters   |   October 2, 2021
Economy | Ecology

A new global meeting calls the world’s young economists and entrepreneurs to unite in the common commitment to revive the economy.

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Reviving the Love for Economic Justice
Krijn Pansters   |   October 1, 2021
Ethics | Economy

It is realistic to hope that economies and markets can be subordinated to the higher goals of civic friendship and justice because experience reveals love as the telos of human existence.

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Can Franciscans Be Angry
Krijn Pansters   |   September 30, 2021

We apparently allow Jesus a range of emotions, but that range becomes sharply reduced for our favorite saints, especially Francis of Assisi.

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