Epperly presents Bonaventure in simple and available language without damage to Bonaventure’s reputation for being a complex thinker and a lover of symbols and numbers.
Book Review: Head, Heart, and Hands
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Duns Scotus Assistant Professor in Franciscan Studies
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The Department of Theology and Religion at Durham University seeks to appoint a talented individual to a 5-year fixed term role of the Duns Scotus Assistant Professor in Franciscan Studies.
Marked With the Wounds of Christ
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An Academic Conference on the Stigmatization of St. Francis, Franciscan University of Steubenville (September 12-14, 2024).
Agnes of Assisi: Sister, Sacrificial Lamb and Saint
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Francis prophesized about this sacred space made holy by the women living within, "…through whose fame and life our heavenly Father will be glorified throughout the church."
St. Bonaventure’s Theory of Doctrinal Development
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While it would be anachronistic to apply modern concerns and intellectual frameworks to the medieval scholastics, the common narrative does not do justice to history itself.