As he himself endured horrific and ineffective medieval medical treatments, St. Francis of Assisi was credited with curing the sufferers of a disease that, like Covid-19, originated in animals.
Francis of Assisi: A Patron Saint for Patients?
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Krijn Pansters | March 30, 2021
Politics | Church | Ethics | Society | Spirituality | Economy | Ecology | Leadership | Care
Politics | Church | Ethics | Society | Spirituality | Economy | Ecology | Leadership | Care
Franciscan Connections is an international Franciscan blog that connects, communicates, and conveys the best of Franciscan learning in the twenty-first century.
St. Francis And Mental Health Challenges
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St Francis of Assisi was once a person who was excluded, ostracized, and ridiculed. Eventually this turned to exaltation, glorification, and canonization.
Center for Action and Contemplation
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Richard Rohr founded the Center for Action and Contemplation because he saw a deep need for the integration of both action and contemplation.
Retrieving the Good Life in the Franciscan Tradition
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This interdisciplinary conference seeks to tease out a new, more relational methodology for ethics in our time.