A partnership between the Franciscan Study Center at Tilburg University, NL and the Franciscan Institute at Saint Bonaventure University, NY
The Economy of Francesco
Krijn Pansters   |   November 5, 2020
Politics | Church | Ethics | Society | Spirituality | Economy | Ecology | Leadership | Care

The Organizing Committee have decided to celebrate this international event on the previously established dates (19-20-21 November 2020) entirely online.

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A Time for Everything...
David Couturier   |   October 29, 2020
Church | Care

Overseas Lay Missioner, Hannah Hagarty, reflects on her time of mission serving in Jamaica as well her time back at home.

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Women, Work & Care
Krijn Pansters   |   October 29, 2020
Economy | Care

Webinar on a more inclusive economic paradigm that values care and makes visible what the market-driven paradigm renders invisible.

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Things to Look for in 'Fratelli tutti'
Krijn Pansters   |   October 22, 2020
Politics | Church | Ethics | Society | Spirituality | Economy | Ecology | Leadership | Care

Reactions to the new encyclical letter ‘Fratelli tutti’ on fraternity and social friendship.

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Daily Theology Blog
Krijn Pansters   |   October 16, 2020
Politics | Church | Ethics | Society | Spirituality | Economy | Ecology | Leadership | Care

Daily Theology brings the study and practice of theology into conversation with daily life. 

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