In this article, Maureen K. Day argues that bolder appropriations of Laudato Si’ will require a more accurate and life-giving understanding of humanity’s relationship to the rest of creation.
Fostering a Bolder Response to “Laudato Si”
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Laity as Co-Creators of the Franciscan Tradition
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This lecture examines the contributions of laity especially through their lived experience of faith that are documented in a range of sources.
Happy Holidays!
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The editors of wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Animal Celebrity and Individuality
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The fact that when talking about dogs and humans we are definitely talking about a “we” grounds the possibility that animals have much to teach us about what it means to be human.
Rebuilding our Prayer life
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With humility and understanding we begin to reshape our prayer to be more in tune with the prayer vision of Francis, a vision that never allows us to think “Now that’s done.”